Sunday, May 18, 2014

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

As could only be expected from our unique personalities, Michael & I decided to celebrate our five year anniversary this Saturday in a particularly “special” way: having our future neighbor teach us how to chainsaw firewood! I imagine that everyone who knew Katy Kline as a child is particularly shocked: who would believe that the little girl who used to run screaming inside the house anytime her Dad turned on the table saw would willing hold and learn how to operate a chainsaw?! 

First – great excitement over a large trackhoe, and an appreciation of why it’s named “Darling”, and now excitement about getting our very own chainsaw: what’s the world coming it?!

Our beautiful stack of newly cut firewood! Definitely a rite of passage to living out here in rural Washington!

In other news: I officially passed our first inspection, for “Site Preparation”, on Friday. Essentially, my silt fence – and all my knowledgeable questions and clear involvement in the project – passed muster! And given that King County and their inspectors are known to be very particular and difficult to please, this is certainly a good start!

My impressive silt fence: 
reinforced along our trail down the hillside (which has been temporarily built up to allow for well truck access) with a bit of extra help with the 2x4s from one of our very handy neighbors. J

Next week: we should be able to finish all the tree felling and clearing, and move on to digging the foundation! 

1 comment:

Helen Kline said...

Good news, Sweetheart! And Happy Anniversary!